I asked her, "Do you prefer a firm or gentle pillow?" There was silence on the other end for 5 seconds.
"Wow...", she sighed, "thats a loaded question,[silence]... I really don't have a preference, I just want a pillow that i can use and wake up without any neck pain"
The customer had a very good point. Really at the end of the day, or should we say- upon waking up in the morning we should feel refreshed, without a stiff neck or any type of neck pain.
The pillow that she originally asked about was the tri core cervical support pillow. It comes in a firm or a gentle- what does that mean exactly? It means that the firmer pillows has more polyester fiber stuffing in it to make it more firm. The gentle pillow has less polyester fiber fill, and has a lot more give. Both pillows will give a person neck support because the trapezoid center of the pillow gives nice contours for a person to sleep on, on their side or on their back. There are two neck lobes that function to gently cradle a person's head and support the neck in its most natural position. It is a great neck pillow that helps to relieve headaches, neck pain and stiff neck.
One final note on the tri core family of pillows. They come in 3 different sizes: a petite core, a midcore and the standard tri core pillow.
Choosing the right pillow is really a personal choice. Look to see what you like when sleeping on your current pillow. Do you like a firmness under your head or do you prefer a little bit of softness and give.
Additional Reading Resources
I just ordered one of these Tri-Core pillows and am eagerly anticipating it's arrival. I went with the firm midcore. I sure hope it works!
Posted by: me.yahoo.com/a/tsWHeYIDtpD.5Edo0zERfn_LaRE- | September 21, 2010 at 10:36 AM