According to Michael Breus, book author on sleep and board certified sleep specialist, you shhould get about 7.5 hours of sleep per night. Here are another 5 things to do:
- Stop drinking caffeine by lunch. Caffeine is obviously a stimulant so you want to stop this by lunch or early afternoon. Some of us who are used to our coffee's can have it after dinner and still fall asleep but read the other items on the list if coffee's not an issue.
- Exercise. Yep, those of us who work-out or do some kind of exercise seem to sleep better.
- Avoid alcohol a few hours before bed. It may seem like a good idea but it really is quality of sleep we're getting at, and this decreases sleep quality.
- Quiet the mind before bed. You've probably heard about reading in bed, that's good, but no studying or computer work right up until it's time to snooze.
- Make you room dark - I've seen some people who leave their computer on or just have a lot of light and noises when they're supposed to sleep. It's ok if the computer's on, but it's in the other room...
So besides your favorite neck pillowsl, cover this list and I'm sure you'll sleep better.