What do You Have Going on In Your Neck?
If you suffer with stiff neck and neck pain, getting a simple flat neck pillow will not help you. You need something more, such as a contoured neck pillow. If you have been diagnosed with a degeneration in your c spine, a herniated disc, or bulging disc, you need a specialized Pillow as well.
This is a contoured neck pillow that that allows you to have the proper curvature, while you sleep on your back or on your side. There are also two important sides to this pillow: 1) a traction side in the shape of V- this side gently stretches your neck while you sleep on your back. 2) a Neck Roll Side - this side supports your neck in the most optimal alignment. You can sleep on both sides of this pillow. Keep in mind that the traction side is firmer, the neck roll side is softer. Both sides work well for someone who has a neck condition or suffers with neck pain.
This Arc4life traction neck pillow works well for patients with:
This Arc4life traction neck pillow works well for patients with:
- a herniated disc in their neck
- a bulging disc
- numbness and tingling into the arms or the hands
- degeneration in the cervical spine
- fibromyalgia
- occipital neuralgia
- neck pain
- stiff neck
- arthritis
- military spine or no curve in the cervical spine
Additional Reading: