How Does a Tens Unit Work on Muscle Spasm- Pain comes from electroechemical impulses relaying the pain message. A TENS unit interrupts this pathway. T.E.N.S stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. It is often used to treat low back pain and neck pain. Tens units use a low voltage electrical current to induce pain relief. Continue Reading Article
Neck Exercises- Learn effective neck stretches and strengthening exercises for the cervical spine
End Neck Pain by Improving Posture- How Proper Posture Improves Your Spine Relieving Nerve Pressure- How does posture have anything to do with neck pain?--Neck pain comes from pressure on the nerves. How does this happen?--Usually pressure from a misaligned neck spine. When your spine is misaligned (some call that subluxated) it does not move like it should and in turn creates inflammation in that area. Either out-of-alignment spinal vertebrae (spinal bones) put direst pressure on nerves or the inflammation, or built up degeneration causes the pressure. Continue Reading Article
How to Reduce the Chances of Getting A Stiff Neck- A Stiff Neck.... Horrible especially when you wake up in the morning and realize that it is going to be one painful day. You are stiff, your neck hurts, you cannot turn your head, even brushing your teeth hurts. We get questions about how to treat a stiff neck all the time. Continue Reading Article
How To Avoid Neck Pain While Doing Abs- If you do your Abdominal crunches correctly with proper form, there is no reason to suffer from neck pain or sore neck. One of the biggest mistakes that people make is that involve there neck muscles while doing these exercises- that is a NO-NO. Bringing your head and neck forward puts unnecessary pressure on the neck and it is not healthy. So when you do your abdominal crunch look at the ceiling.Continue Reading Article
If a Pillow is Going to Work For You - It has to be the Right Size and the Right Firmness.
βThis pillow ( Arc4life Extra Firm Pillow, Medium) might be good for some, but not suitable for my condition (herniated discs in neck). Perhaps works best for a heavier person? I ordered it knowing it could be returned, not realizing i must pay for return shipping. Had i known, i would never have ordered it on trial in the first place.β
- M, April 10, 2018
Dear M,
Thank you for your honest feedback .This type of feedback will actually help someone who is looking for relief from a herniated disc make a better buying decision. Here at the Neck Pillow Queen Blog, I have a lot of readers who need to know the right pillow to buy for a herniated disc, bulging disc, pinched nerve, so I think this will be useful to post.
First of all M, you ordered the extra firm version of the arc4life traction pillow. Yes it is firm, you are right. It is about 25% more firm than the regular support version of this pillow. For all my patients who are looking for a pillow to help with pain relief and from the symptoms of a herniated disc, I always recommend the regular support pillow first, NOT the extra firm version. You might find that the regular support pillow is going to be the right amount of firmness. Why? Because with each arc4life traction pillow there is a gentler side ( the support side ) and a firmer side ( the traction V Side).
Also, You mentioned you are a small sized person. I would probably have recommended the medium arc4life pillow for you (regular support) ( link: or possibly the small arc4life traction pillow (link: - a better way to know the right size would be know what your exact height, weight, frame and frame are. In general a person is very petite (for example 4 ft 8", 4 ft 9", etc and weighs around 100 lbs or less), the smaller pillow is best. If you are over 6 ft and built like a football player order the large. Anyone in between, usually the medium size works well. Like I said, Contact us so we can help you individually.
This is actually the right pillow for a patient with a herniated disc, you just ordered the wrong size. That makes a big difference.
As for the shipping comment, that is standard with all amazon orders, arc4life orders, ebay orders etc, you are responsible for the return shipping.
Most likely, You received free shipping when ordering the pillow and it the policy of amazon that you are responsible for the return shipping.
Please contact Arc4life by visiting our website: or reach out to us Via Facebook here: We are here for you to help you get a better night of sleep and to help you with neck pain relief.
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